As you will no doubt be aware, the deadline for sign-ups is in just over two weeks – Sunday 19 June.
We have said from the start we need to hit our target of 1,000 sign-ups for us to be satisfied the deal is viable and that remains the case.
To help with that final push we are calling a third and final public meeting on Monday 13 June at 7pm in the hospitality suite at The Paisley 2021 Stadium.
That will give fans a chance to put any remaining questions directly to Gordon and members of the SMISA committee before the deadline.
Right now we are standing on the verge of a huge moment in the 139-year existence of our football club – and we need your help to take that final step.
Although we have worked hard to reach as many St Mirren fans as we can over the past few weeks, there will still be some who may not know a lot about the deal, or who haven’t yet been convinced to sign up.
There is no more powerful tool at our disposal than word of mouth – so we are asking you to help us spread the word and convince your fellow fans to do this for the same reasons you have.
We appreciate the detail surrounding the bid is complex but also that it can be boiled down to three very simple points – feel free to use them.
1) The club needs fresh ideas and energy; this deal means new chairman will be a Saints fan with experience to take the club forward and a sustainable transition to fan ownership.
2) Your £12p/m contribution gives you a vote on big issues affecting St Mirren and the chance to elect a director and decide how member cash helps the club.
3) We won’t get another chance to do this; our club is precious and it will be sold but this way we keep it in the hands of the people who will care about it
Of course we appreciate some people may want to hear things directly from Gordon and the SMISA committee – in which case please ask them to come along to the meeting on Monday 13th.
As we say, this is the final push to make sure we and only we can control what happens with an institution which means so much to every one of us.
Together we can write the next chapter in the history of our football club together.